Content is king! Long live the king!
Great, sensible and appealing content in all forms is king! Our senses are constantly bombarded with various kinds of contents. It could be in the form of text, visuals or audio. Content that stands apart and is compelling wins the race among this rush of content. Digital agencies, PR agencies and social media agencies must keep this in mind for better results.
Content becomes powerful only when it appeals and resonates with its target audience. It must appeal to the sensitivities of the target set, strike a chord and will then have an impact. The world of media is fast converging and boundaries are blurring. One medium transcends into the other at a breath neck pace and becomes viral. From text, video and imagery to infographics, surveys, webinars and podcasts, whatever preferred content medium is, one must ensure it is shareable and relevant to the industry.
Engaging content always attracts more eyeballs. One-sided conversation if interesting sure can win hearts. But when a two-way communication comes into play, it becomes a game-changer where the audiences feel they are a part of this content story and feel empowered. This is sure to have a pressing and long-lasting impact. In today’s age engagement is key. One must interact and engage their audience with influential content to win the race and create a strong brand resonance.
Content should be such that adds value and is meaningful.