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Employees: Brand Ambassadors On The Floor

Brand recognition nowadays is gaining more prominence than ever before. Why not? After all, strong brand perception results in tremendous benefits. Considering the fact, companies hire renowned professionals from the world of PR and advertising and, sometimes, they also appoint celebrities as brand ambassadors. There is nothing wrong with these tactics. But, there are brand heroes inside, i. e. employees, who understand the organisation/products/services better than any other outsider.

As per a leading report, about 54 percent customers believe in information shared by employees. Thus, an employee is the best ambassador and, the information given by them regarding a product holds a higher credibility. They contribute to PR and advertising campaigns and build trust among their communities. On an average an employee maintains more than 1000 social media connections and apprise them about products/services.

When the world is changing fast, perceptions are altering each day,  reliance only on a particular department for image building is not enough. Organisations are run by the concerted efforts of all the employees and, branding also needs the same. Employees can play a pivotal role in the branding of the company. So, the question arises that how can a company turn its employees into brand mouthpieces?

Employee engagement activities emotionally attach them with the organisation. Companies must organise such activities and ensure employees’ wholehearted participation. Positive work environment, openness and good treatment involve them in company’s activities. Companies with higher employee engagement witness increased production. It also decreases attrition rate.

Learning and development opportunities not only increase employees’ ability but also ensure their greater engagement with the company. They dedicate themselves to a company which shows such kind of interest in them. Besides, knowledge enhances their confidence which makes them present the company smartly, whenever it requires.

People feel motivated when their efforts are appreciated. Companies must recognize employees’ work and reward them. Further, the feedback provided by seniors helps them learn new skills and improve their performance. Employees are significant resources for a company. They must be encouraged to come out with their best. Their improvement, satisfaction, growth prospects, and other factors affect the company’s growth and branding goals. A motivated employee works as a great influencer and helps the company create a positive perception among stakeholders. They are the ultimate brand ambassadors.

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