Role of PR in Crisis Management
Companies strive to become a brand as it serves many purposes simultaneously. It helps a company acquire a unique stature in a highly competitive market and thus, creates trust among all the stakeholders. Building trust and credibility take years, while a crisis and related media coverage just for a day is enough to dilute all the reputation earned through tireless efforts. While PR nightmares are nearly impossible to predict and even harder to prevent, an effective role of PR in crisis management program can help businesses and organizations minimize harm, restore trust, and strengthen public relations.
A media crisis, i.e. negative publicity, is damage to the reputation of the company which results in the loss of trust of consumers and stakeholders. It can occur due to operational, marketing or any other mistake. The biggest concern regarding a crisis is that it comes without any warning sign, that is, you stay unaware of the approaching threat to your brand.
During a crisis, organisations face intensified media attention from outside and communication challenges such as lack of information and dilemma regarding media announcements from inside. At the same time, the situation demands an immediate response which causes haste in decision making. Here, arises the role of Public Relations in crisis management which is concerned with disaster management in media including print, electronic, and social platforms.
There are numerous media platforms and, it could be difficult for you to track all the negative news making rounds against you. You can’t respond accurately if you are unaware of the seriousness of the situation. Owing to their expertise and relations with the media, PR professionals help track all the news ranging against you and also measure the severity of the problem.
Next comes rapport building. During a crisis, you need to communicate with all the stakeholders including investors, consumers, employees, and the general public. PR firms help you with judiciously written messages and their proper placement at appropriate platforms. Such timely publications convey a message that the company has nothing to hide and, you are there to face and challenge the odd winds. Further communications, if needed, make your point more credible.
Best crisis management companies hold expertise in evaluating a company’s background, assessing the situation, nature of the crisis, market situation and other relevant contexts. Based on their study, they come up with valuable suggestions for the executives of your company. While managing a crisis, it is important to know the audience you want to address and also how to address. PR experts guide you at each step.
All the above measures help you shorten the duration of the crisis and ultimately end it. Post-crisis, you need to deal with the damage made to the brand and regain its original reputation. The role of PR agency in crisis management continues as it helps companies develop plans to mitigate the effect of the crisis and strengthen credibility among stakeholders. Crisis management firms help in moving public attention away from the incident and bring the business back on the path of progress.
In short, it can be said that in the time of increased penetration of internet and media’s activeness, the possibility of occurring a crisis has increased. PR firms help you stay prepared with all the possible measures to deal with any untoward circumstance. Our media and crisis management experts with their crisis management strategies help you manage a crisis in the best possible way.