Recognising your true web audience and reaching out to them to establish a strong relationship is an essential element of a successful marketing strategy. If you know your audiences, your planning and execution will be easier. Is it possible to create effective content without knowing your target audience? The answer is No! Creating content without… Read more How To Reach Your Exact Target Audiences?

The spokesperson plays an important role in getting information about the organization out to the media and controlling the flow of that information. They work closely with brand managers and professionals to craft statements and press releases, ensuring that information is relevant and timely. Spokesperson Training: Before facing the media a spokesperson must do these… Read more Role of Spokesperson in COMMUNICATION

Great, sensible and appealing content in all forms is king! Our senses are constantly bombarded with various kinds of contents. It could be in the form of text, visuals or audio. Content that stands apart and is compelling wins the race among this rush of content. Digital agencies, PR agencies and social media agencies must… Read more Content is king! Long live the king!